
ERP Training

Safeguarding your business software investment with SYSPRO LearnIt Online

ERP Training– Become the master of your own technology and Business IT success story

The ongoing ERP training, education and certification your employees can receive through SYSPRO LearnIt Online will future-proof your company to the benefit of all involved. SYSPRO LearnIt empowers individual learners to achieve their own desired outcomes and be inspired to become the master of their own technology success story.

The way we experience and interact with the technologically driven world around us continues to change, with the global appetite for technological expertise increasing at the expense of traditional business skills. But one thing remains the same – our desire and capacity to learn, grow and improve ourselves every day. For any business, having well-trained people is a company’s greatest asset, and living and working in today’s digital world is about learning, upskilling and mastering new skills.

Top-of-mind business challenges SYSPRO LearnIt solves

Learning doesn’t just build human capital, it also builds organizational capital. As employees learn their jobs and the system better, the more proficient they become in their individual roles and more efficiently they can collectively help the business run.

  • Trained and knowledgeable employees spend less time on troubleshooting and more time on doing business
  • Streamline and optimize business processes
  • Increase user adoption.
  • Ensure your employees’ skillsets stay relevant and show your people you care about their careers and their futures
  • Boost morale – employees who have training and development opportunities are happier in their roles and have a positive outlook on their future within the company
  • Keep your best people! If you don’t provide them with meaningful training, they’ll go to someone who does.
  • Attract, retain, and develop future leaders through well-targeted skills-development efforts
  • Build the bench-strength of your organization in order to ensure its long-term health, growth and stability.
  • Enable your talent management process by identifying key manufacturing business software roles and mapping out ways to ensure the organization has the right people with the right skills, capabilities, and experiences, in the right place at the right time
  • Provide a benchmark for recruitment. Skills development is one of the most important aspects when considering user-uptake and safeguarding your business IT investment.

Implementation methodology – SYSPRO IDEAL project administration foundation

All companies invest in SYSPRO training when they first implement the solution. But training needs arise continuously as your business grows and evolves and as the use of SYSPRO moves through the next phases, including upgrades, ongoing employee turnover, cross-training and retraining, and ultimately advanced uses of the solution.

A well-trained team that has a solid understanding of SYSPRO can be confident that they can use the software effectively to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Deliver timely products and services to their customers
  • Ensure smooth operations throughout their organization and supply chain
  • Increase productivity and decrease support costs.

A digital learning experience

Training solutions for every role, schedule, and budget

SYSPRO LearnIt Online combines a digital learning experience as well as instructor-led learning, giving your SYSPRO users total control of their own learning journey and path to career success. Whatever your ERP business systems and technology level of expertise or career aspirations, SYSPRO LearnIt Online provides for a fully immersive, intuitive learning experience and a management system that brings practical, self-directed education to life. SYSPRO LearnIt Online learners experience training and development pathways that are designed to be inspiring and easy to use, ensuring the delivery of positive results for your business, your employees and your customers.
SYSPRO LearnIt Online Plus is a cost-effective annual subscription whereby learners receive access to SYSPRO programs, courses, and certifications. Learners also have the option to utilize the platform on a Pay-As-You-Go basis for ease of use.
  • Learners access programs, courses, and certifications that they may track and work through at their own time and speed
  • Employers or HR professionals can utilize SYSPRO LearnIt Online Plus as a Learning Management System by being provided with the facility to administer their learners’ education content
  • SYSPRO LearnIt Online Plus can give learners access to content applicable to them and enrol them in specific programs and courses
For an additional fee, companies can upload their own content thereby leveraging SYSPRO LearnIt Online to provide a convenient source of all educational-related material for their organization.

SYSPRO Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) is available to all SYSPRO customers regardless if a customer has purchased a SYSPRO LearnIt Online Plus subscription or not.

PAYG features allow a user to:

  • Purchase one or more courses for themselves
  • Purchase one or more courses for multiple users in their organization as well as enroll users or email them access to the course
  • Preview course (where enabled)
  • View related courses within programs and purchase from a program
  • View all the purchases they have made.

For users who are new to SYSPRO or to a specific area of the software, this training is typically more generic. It focusses more on the transaction flow and is aimed at end users, rather than process owners. Our instructor-led training provides a base-line knowledge of SYSPRO ERP processes and to enable users to incorporate SYSPRO into your everyday business.

Led by certified SYSPRO trainers, these live interactive sessions provide a personal learning experience whether in a virtual classroom or a physical classroom environment.

  • Virtual classroom sessions are held online and led by an instructor. Tutorials are provided so you can practice on your test environment. Recordings of virtual sessions are provided after the course ends
  • Physical classroom sessions are held in SYSPRO offices. An instructor leads you through the concepts and you work through hands-on exercises using laptops we provide, and which are loaded with our bicycle company training data.

Hosted in Microsoft Azure, customers get access via remote desktop to a SYSPRO Lab in their region, where they will experience a virtual instance of SYSPRO’s latest release. Customers purchase bundled hours for usage by their learners, and if they run out of allocated hours, they can top these up.

SYSPRO Labs enables users to:

  • Practice utilizing SYSPRO in a safe environment
  • Upskill themselves on SYSPRO without impacting the business live environment
  • Engage with additional features and functionality of SYSPRO outside of the business environment
  • Gives access to an instance of SYSPRO if no test company is available at the customer.

Sign Up Today

Once you are registered and approved on InfoZone, maximize the benefits of PAYG on your continuous learning journey.
Mastering your training with SYSPRO LearnIt solutions
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