
Food Manufacturing Software

Food ERP Software solutions for Food and Beverage manufacturers

With one of the biggest challenges facing Food and Beverage manufacturers today being that of meeting a constantly increasing host of compliance and regulatory requirements, as well as the need to report on exactly what’s going into the manufacturing process, packaging and traceability is becoming more and more important. This emphasis on compliance and good governance in the food industry has led to a subsequent focus on sustainability. This applies to all players in the industry such as distributors, retailers and restaurants – in fact, the entire supply chain.

To help food and beverage companies address their unique challenges, SYSPRO has built visibility, transparency and sustainability reporting into our solution. By providing solutions that help food manufacturers achieve regulatory compliance, efficiency and profitability goals while ensuring food safety and customer satisfaction, SYSPRO enables food companies to predictably manage the obstacles of the industry and continue to grow and increase profitability.

6 Key Food and Beverage challenges SYSPRO can help you resolve


Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2020-2024) of 8.4% by 2024.
To meet the stringent requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act and the Safe Quality Food Standards, companies must be able to identify and trace every single ingredient consumed in the manufacturing process:
  • From receipt through processing, packaging, and shipping, to the exact customer location
  • Provide full bi-directional traceability from source to consumption
  • Produce detailed audit trails of all transactions
  • Implement successful recalls
  • Authenticate operators for specific transactions
  • A strong driver in this industry is a traceability system, in case of a failure in the internal food safety standards
  • The requirements for the Traceability system are speed and accuracy – the company must be able to trace every part of a batch that came out of the factory to each customer as soon as possible after receiving a notification of a food safety failure. Targets are now less than one hour!
  • In summary, a large part of the daily management function is to improve risk management – one bad batch (in or out) can destroy the brand
  • The regulations guide areas requiring extra focus, but ultimately, the management team need to fully understand their risks and be fully in control of all of their processes all day long
  • Define ingredient quantities such as quantity per, fixed quantities and wet weight percentages
  • Where-used query and substitution facility enables quick and easy replacement of ingredients
  • Track variances and waste
  • Allow for multiple revisions and releases of recipes
  • A key driver in this industry is the quality control of the incoming raw materials as well as the respective suppliers – the quality has to be maintained to ensure that the recipe remains the same, but through the same suppliers at the agreed prices
  • Selling prices are fairly static which therefore requires close control of the costs of the incoming raw materials
  • Due to the rigorous compliance standards, all suppliers go through a lengthy approval process before they are approved. This means that it will not be easy to replace suppliers on short notice
  • Allergen controls are becoming more and more prominent requiring tighter controls and even separation of plants to avoid cross-contamination
  • SYSPRO’s multi-level bill of materials functionality enables the definition of complex production recipes of up to 15 levels per route, and 10 routes per finished product
  • Control over recipe changes is seamlessly handled by the Engineering Change Control module, while a where-used query and substitution facility enables quick and easy replacement of ingredients
  • The Work in Progress module enables seamless ingredient substitution where actual ingredients differ from planned. Furthermore, where intermediate or finished products differ from planned, the Work in Progress inspection functionality enables receipting of these products as alternate stock codes, or into alternate warehouses or bins
  • To enable you to fine-tune the balance between supply and demand SYSPRO fosters informed decision-making, thereby helping you to meet the challenges of supply chain management and synchronization in a dynamic and complex global environment.
  • Food manufacturers using SYSPRO are able to tighten cost controls, know exactly how each product is designed and manufactured, trace a product from farm to fork (and back again, when necessary) – all at the click of a button. With full integration of Bill of Materials, Estimation, Process Modeling, Work in Progress, Barcode Scanning and Workflow Services, all of these activities can be automated.

Simplify your operations with SYSPRO Food and Beverage Software

  • Optimize Management and Planning with Improved Visibility
    Increase productivity, minimize loss and lower production costs with SYSPRO’s Manufacturing Operations Management solution.
  • Manage Traceability and the Recall Process
    Perform a full product recall quickly and efficiently by rapidly identifying and retrieving potentially defective goods from customers using the organization’s Product Recall system.
  • Improve Forecast Accuracy
    Minimize forecast errors by fine-tuning the balance between supply and demand
  • Increase Visibility of Co-products and By-products
    Allow for manufacturing of co-products and plan for by-product; define related products that share recipes; apportion ingredients and operations accurately across co-products; obtain accurate costs and quantities
  • Supplier Management and Purchase Control
    Enable greater visibility, compliance and quality control in the procurement and supplier selection process.
  • Manage and Control the Return Process
    Streamlined, automated processes and actions for authorizing and tracking customer returns, warranty claims and complaints
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Business Critical Solutions

Industry-built to support your quality and safety systems, SYSPRO ERP offers a full traceability system which enables manufacturers to:
  • Track materials from receipt right through to delivery of the product to the customer, as well as at any level in between
  • Rapidly identify, quarantine and retrieve potentially defective goods from customers
  • Accelerate the time to completion of your product recalls
  • Improve governance and drive compliance
  • Continually test and improve your traceability system
  • Remain compliant and meet regulatory reporting requirements
  • Mitigate the risks associated with recall
    • For an industry like Food and Beverage, lot traceability is a must to comply with Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Safe Quality Food (SQF) standards. It enables you to maximize quality control by tracking products, materials and processes as well as by facilitating effective recalls as well as provides the ability to trace a lot or batch through the entire value chain from raw material receiving to dispatch.
    Take the Guesswork out of Forecasting:
    • Recognize seasonality, outliers and trends
    • Automatically determine best algorithm per product
    • Manually adjust for anomalies
    • Allow for a replacement product to inherit Sales history from another product
    • Visibility of the communications (or activities) that occur between the touchpoints of organizations facilitates proactive intervention by management, improves relationships and eliminates duplication of effort. SYSPRO Contact Management allows you to define and manage a rich set of information about the people with whom you do business, as well as the individuals within your organization; allows you to record and track activities against contacts in a centralized environment. This is particularly important in addressing recalls – with early identification of a defect and the ability to quickly communicate with affected customers, you can minimize the damage of a recall.
    • Engineering Change Control (ECC) is crucial to quality control and is a requirement for ISO and QS certification. The solution helps you improve the management of engineering changes to your products and/or associated data by enforcing controls in production. ECC provides detailed audit reports of all transactions, including all historical changes and the operator performing the change to meet compliance requirements.
    • With SYSPRO Manufacturing Operations Management food manufacturers can measure performance to drive toward world-class standards of operation. SYSPRO MOM facilitates the management of the end-to-end manufacturing process through the provision of a fully integrated solution which can schedule, publish, collect, track, analyze and improve production efficiencies; and connect machines and other devices to help digitize the factory to remain competitive, leveraging on Industry 4.0.
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    SYSPRO Traceability for Food and Beverage Manufacturers Infographic

    Navigating the complexity of a recall becomes simple when you’re able to act quickly. Download the infographic to get practical ways to implement an effective traceability system and a proper crisis management plan.


    Product Recall

    SYSPRO Product Recall is a full traceability system developed to support an organization’s Recall Management System, and giving instant access to critical information required to track a suspect product, throughout the value chain.


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